Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Facebook FTMFW

In the latest social media foray into previously private topics, a group of researchers wants to use Facebook to prevent the spread of STDs such as HIV and syphilis. Ideally, a Facebook app could let you alert a private circle of friends/partners that you'd caught an infection (or vice versa). While this might be effective, the obvious hurdle is the embarrassment of posting on Facebook that you have a stigmatized STD, even when using privacy controls. (Remember those party pictures you thought only three other people could see?) Notifying partners you've tested positive for an STD is a law in some states, so this could make the process easier. And surely the possibility of embarrassment is worth saving your friends' lives, right?

via - MSN


Rowdy Reign said...

that is BEYOND fucked up. I am good and clean so I needn't worry about this :)

Anonymous said...

Not a bad idea, I know a few forsure dirty girls