Monday, November 5, 2012

Honest Mistake...I Guess??????


Unknown said...

Oops...and remember to take out the trash

Anonymous said...

Wow. Because people that can't afford to buy a car should be having unprotected sex.. and accidentally telling their moms about it

Anonymous said...

Haha, but where's the reply from mom?

Mahrya said...

I live in a large city with amazing public transportation and lots of congestion, it isn't practical to have a car. I make enough to have a car but choose to take public transportation and cabs. While this person is a fucking idiot don't judge everything so quickly.

Anonymous said...

Quit w the judging crap already....fuckn shut up. This is funny as in hahahahahahahahahahah not a personal attack against someone who takes a bus. Gawd...

Anonymous said...

This is a cheating man who has his "woman" listed as his mom, so he doesn't get caught out on phone bills etc. LOSER.

Anonymous said...

I love calling girls mommy when we fuck. It's hot.