Wednesday, December 15, 2010

BART Diaries: The Annoying Hot Chick

You're asking yourselves, "Annoying hot chick?"  Yes, the annoying hot chick.  Never thought in my entire life that I would want to bitch slap one so hard.

So this broad rides on the same BART, at the same time I do. And as of late, I can't stand this bitch. I don't know why I'm getting all worked up and shit, but fuck, she is fucking annoying as shit on my commute into the city.

If there is one thing I fucking hate, it's when mother fucking people chew their gum like they're a goddamn farm animal.  Better yet, they chew their gum like they're sucking dick for the first time. Looking all confused, mouth open, making weird noises.  I mean for fuck sakes, miss.  Close your fucking mouth.  I get that whatever you're chewing on is fucking mouth-watering and delicious.  I don't need sound effects coming from 20 feet away.  You're snapping your fucking gum like someone is busting caps in a goddamn drive-by.

And the big ass glasses.  Oh, fuck those glasses.  Bitch, do you realize we haven't had any fucking sun in over a week?  Either those glasses are fucking 3D or you're blind as a mother fucker.  Take the fucking glasses off cause I no you ain't hungover.  If you are, tell me where you fucking drink so I can steal those shades from you.

I started and can't stop now...

Your co-workers you talk with every fucking day on BART.  You ladies just can't shut the fuck up. For one fucking day!  I don't know how many more conversations I can take of "Praising Jesus" and "Being blessed" for coming out of your crack addiction or how one of your kids "Finally found the real baby-daddy".  I'm hood too ladies, but fuck.  Crack, bastard children, and the rude people you encounter at your receptionist job are fucking killing me right now.

And those convo's about the ultimatums you've been giving your man about marriage. After listening to how crazy you really fucking are, I wouldn't want to marry your ass either.  Who the fuck owns 10 cats?!  10 fucking cats?!  Are you fucking serious woman?!  You got more pets than a fucking animal shelter.  And I bet your place smells like cat shit.  A warehouse of cat shit.  FYI - that's why he doesn't spend the night at your house.  How would you like it if you woke up in the middle of the night, and thought you shit your pants?!  Not fun right?  Better question is, how is this guy I hear about in conversation, still dating you?

I have never met a more annoying group of individuals in my life.  Starting from the hot chick going across the board.

Now I know why I'm in a bad fucking mood when I get to work. Thanks a lot fuck faces.

I'm gonna end this post on something I literally overheard right now.

"Steph told me she caught her man having a 3-some. With two other men."

Ain't that some shit. While Steph thought she smelled bacon and eggs cooking, her man was cooking up sausage and asshole instead.  Shit like that would make a person jump off a goddamn bridge.  Me, two teens and an older woman heard this and looked at each other as if we saw someone get shot in the head.

BART...there's always some fucked up conversations from time to time. Lucky me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am late to the party, but this makes me laugh, especially since you have had relations with your own cat lady. It wasn't the same chick as this post right?! :)