Monday, May 14, 2012

Just one of the bitches

We all have known or know a woman who says, “I am a guy’s girl” or “I just relate to men better than women” or something along those lines and states that they only have guy friends. I have been a woman all of my life (yep, no dick-switcheroos for me) and grew up with older brothers, so I do know the allure and appeal to being “one of the guys.”  It wasn't until recently though, that I started to discover this phenomena of some women who "only friend guys," and in general, cannot be bothered to have female friends for this reason or that.

When I was a young wee lass, I longed to hang out with my brothers; to be allowed into their secret world of G.I. Joes, bike riding adventures and days spent playing in the mud. My mom or grandma would put me in a dress and send me to play with my dolls and I would immediately end up in my Care Bear underwear and a tank top, running around to catch up with the boys. However, after a few rowdy games of chase (one that ended with me getting stitches above my eyebrow), my Barbie legs being ripped off and used for boomerangs, or having to watch endless hours of boys playing video games, I shot the boys the deuce, got on my purple bike with purple wheels and went to go play with Kathy, Lisa, Natalie or Stephanie (all of whom I am still friends with to this day) and have some silly, girly, fun.

I can imagine that some of the readers are yawning and getting ready to go read something else, because they think this is going down the path of a touchy-feely, Lifetime movie on the virtues of sisterhood bullshit fluff piece. I assure you, it’s fucking not. Rule #1 in my world: Fuck Bitches, Be Funny. And I swear to Christ if J-Wunder puts that on a shirt without my permission I am going to Ro Sham Bo his ass for the rights to it. Real Talk. You heard that shit here first.

What I am, is so fucking sick of the women who run around saying, “I can only be friends with guys” and all that other shit. Yeah, I get it. You are sooooooooo above females and all their alleged bullshit that you think you can only be friends with guys because they are the only ones who “get you.” This just in my special little friend - the problem is probably not other women. 99.976345% of the time, the problem is the same bitch that stares back at you every morning, when you are looking at yourself in the goddamn mirror at some random dude’s house from the night before. How’s about you do the rest of the female population a favor and get the fuck over yourself?

So, you fancy yourself as one of these “guy’s girls,” who can only be friends with guys because women are too catty and cause too much drama and blabbity, blah, blah, blah? Why did your last female friendship end? Was it because you tried to fuck your friend’s significant other? Or was it because you kept flaking out on your friends to go hang out with your flavor of the minute? Are women always jealous of you because you are so beautiful, witty, smart, talented, successful, etc? Are all women out to sabotage you and they can’t be trusted? I get it, that’s why you like to have only men friends. You need a) the attention and b) the lack of expectation that male friendship provides.

Um, yeah, duh. That’s why all women have a few males that are in the no-bone-zone. That’s the kind of guy friend who you know for a fact does not want to fuck you, you don’t want to fuck them and you can talk about things openly and honestly without any hidden agenda or meaning. I am sure most women love that guy friend who we can be around and be 100% ourselves and not worry that they are trying to fuck us, or feel fucking awkward if they think we are pretty or smart or special. (Big Shout out to my boy Andy S!) We get to save all that insecure, second guessing, Jedi Mind Trick that we play on ourselves for the dude we are actually trying to bone.

And you know what we do then? We obsess about that kind of stuff to our girlfriends.That’s the difference between a girl with a guy who actually is just her friend, and a girl who thinks she is “just one of the guys” – the girl with the guy friend has female friends to be all crazy in the head with and she can talk about why this guy didn’t call her and what not, but can also bounce some ideas off her guy friend and he will give her a different perspective (i.e. some fucking truth bombs that girlfriends are sometimes reluctant to give) on why so and so didn’t call or if she is wearing some shiteous outfit.

Here’s the funny thing about that male perspective, I bet 9 times out of 10, if you are one of those girls who only has guy friends, you are probably not going to get that true male perspective. Why, you ask? Oh, because all your so-called “guy friends” are also probably trying to fuck you. Either covertly, or not so much. If you had one or two good female friends, someone would have pointed that out to you by now.

How you chose to interpret your guy friend scenario is pretty much how you view the world. If you act like you are oblivious to the fact that all your “guy friends” want to fuck you, then you are probably oblivious to just about everything else that goes on in the world, unless it pertains directly to you. That is also why you probably don’t have a lot of female friends - most women who are out of their drunken, party-girl phase cherish a good female friend who they can confide in, talk about period stuff and go shoe shopping with. If you have a guy friend that you can do this with, too, ask him his boyfriend’s name.

On the flip, if you are the kind of girl that uses her “guy friends” to take her out to dinner, buy her drinks, show her a good time, be there for moral support and you know that this guy may have feelings for you and is just working the “friend” angle to hopefully, one day, taste your honey pot, then there is another word for you altogether.

I know some of the women reading this are thinking I am a hater because I am calling some of these fake bitches out on being “one of the guys,” when they are really just being one of the bitches. I do know some girls, who have more guy friends than girl friends, but the catch is they do have a girlfriend or two. A real one as well, not just some casual acquaintance they use to go to the bar with, but a girl they call for the pep talk that only a girlfriend can give when your heart or you favorite heel is broken.

For those of you that are still calling me a hater, ask yourself this: are you the kind of girl who can’t keep a female friend for some reason or the other? Are the bitches always causing some kind of drama, stealing your shine or do whatever is that jealous bitches do? Here’s a little tip, sunshine. We are not jealous; we are just over your bullshit - plain and simple. Oh, and here is a big-gulp size glass of haterade for you to drink, before you tell me what a cunt I am. Unfortunately, I am not going to be available for comment, because I am going to be out to dinner with my 4 best girlfriends...the ones I have had since high school. I think one of them just synced periods with me too!

Welcome to Maxi Pad. The 3pm and 7pm show are exactly the same, please tip your waiter or waitress generously.

I'm out this bitch.


16seconds said...

had an ex like this, who claimed she loved me etc, but couldnt stand to kiss open mouthed let alone let me see her nekked. She wanted to 'be one of the guys' and wondered why her gf's always left her or there was drama, yet was flabbergasted as to why her guy friends felt used or annoyed. So glad that shit is done and gone. Sad thing she was pretty as fuck but always down on herself, dressed like 16 year old lolita fan but refused to ever dresss fancy or 'nice'

such wasted potential.

Anonymous said...

Lmfao!!! Too funny! I used to have more guy friends than girls, but I soon realized I just wasn't friends with genuine females. Lol as it turns out I didn't have much in common with them, they were more aquantainces than friends. Lesson learned be way more careful about who you befriend. Now I've got ride or die bitches, through thick or thin! I think we all to some degree at least have that moment. Maybe not. Maybe it was just me in my younger yrs.

Rowdy Reign said...

The majority of my friends ARE men, I have a few female friends that I run to when I need to talk shit among non penis wielders. But I honestly talk to my boys like girls, I've known all of my friends 10 years or better. I don't really get along with females, and the ones I do get along with are STILL my friends and have been for MANY years.

Anonymous said...

lies all guy want to bone. FACT!

Anonymous said...

Fuck that! I have like 2 guy friends and the rest are girls! The problem with women friends is you just have to find true bitches that will have your bck! That don't secretly want to fuck you!

Anonymous said...

I love to use the friend zone angle to get close with her friends. :) She does all the work for me, pretty much. I just have to lay the pipe like a damn good plumber. Oh and women with "one of the guysitis", are mostly insecure and dudes don't mostly don't dig that shit, others may pray on it.

KoolEMac said...

LMMFAO @ shiteous

Anonymous said...

Where the hell is the Ghetto Genius facebook page!

Groovy said...

eh whatever. Personally I think you are just jealous that you aren't a guys girl. Women suck. They lie and manipulate WAY more than men. They are always in competition (I may be biased here as my mother bought several of my bf's "The Graduate"). With guys what you see is what you get, with women not so much (i.e. spray tanner, push-up bras, make-up etc.) lies, lies and more lies. You and the rest of the female population (awesome guys gal that I am - myself excluded) SUCK!

Blueidgirl said...

@Groovy, eh whatever. Personally I think you are just jealous of H-Bomb and her awesomeness. In the words of H-Bomb "How’s about you do the rest of the female population a favor and get the fuck over yourself"!

Lyzzard said...

I agree with the 2nd comment...I've always had my legit group of guy friends and a few girls who have stuck around too...but anytime I tried to make new friends who were girls they were the type of girl you described...they'd be cool at first and then hate me bc my friends *who ofcourse she want interested in fuckin* (hahahaha) wouldn't pay attention to her. Btw I seriously laughed at the fuck bitches, be funny for like 10 mins straight...fuckin classic. Great blog :)

Joe Biz said...

As a guy, all I gotta say is Watch this video. 100% True

Linizzle said...

Wow. This post was seriously spot-on H-Bomb. Gotta admit, I used to be a "one of the guys" kinda girl. Don't get me wrong. I didn't exactly hate girls per say. Shit, I even dated them. That's until I realized that bitches are even crazier when you date them than just chillin' together. No lie. Now it's become a purely physical attraction. Giggity. But I digress...

After isolating myself from even my closest female companions from high school (mostly due to insecurities & self-centeredness), I regret not maintaining a closer relationship with them. It's incredibly hard to create that type of bond after years of thinking a certain way. Especially if you're someone like me who simply does not have the patience for those females who aspire to be the equivalent to a Bratz doll and cannot utter a single statement without sounding like trendy fucks("like", "OMG", etc.) I'm sure they are lovely people deep down inside, but quite frankly I can't stand listening to them long enough to find out.

Now those of you who argue girls are fake... Bitch please. There are assholes everywhere regardless of gender, transgender, bi-gender...?
Hell, even I'm an asshole. It's just about finding other fucked up personality types that you're compatible with.

I think I'll go attempt to create some beautiful dysfunctional friendships now. :)

Anonymous said...

Humm that's some true shit rite there :))

FiiNix said...

I have the most awesome crew of women friends. We connect, we get it, we are straight talkers, we know when we are in pain. (BTW, I am am older, divorced woman with a 27 year relationship behind me.)

But I'm also pretty comfortable with men. I can talk motorsport, tease them about who they support in soccer, discuss the economy...and if there's stuff I don't know, I ask them to tell me about it.

I can also pick up large spiders and take them out the house. :)

And then I got told by a female acquaintance that I come across as "too strong".

Oh, FFS. Just can't win... I'm a short dumpy redhead, who can sew, crochet, knit, paint, cook, bake, change a tyre, fix a light bulb, wire a lamp, configure a computer. I wear heels, make-up, frocks...but also overalls.

This kind of thing makes me wonder what ANYONE wants out of a relationship, male or female.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better myself!

Anonymous said...

This is spot on! I have met a few of these type of women and have had the EXACT same thoughts about them. Friendships with other women don't work for them because they themselves are untrustworthy, drama queens. They point the finger and say we are catty, and jealous and blah blah blah but I have found those women are the biggest fucking hypocrites and they themselves the biggest offenders of that behavior. Keep your boys, us real women don't want anything to do with you bitches anyway.

Anonymous said...

Love love love it!! So fucking true!! And @Groovy, not all of us females are fake bakers, or spray painted. Some of us are naturally beautiful and are confident enough around our best girlfriends even if they are wearing makeup and the push up bra. Get some confidence in yourself and you may change your mind. Js :)

Anonymous said...

so much bullshit here i thought it was gonna start coming out of the computer! to the one comment above i agree "all guys wanna bone" minus the gay ones and they might as well be called a girlfriend. no guy should ever be in "the friend zone" especially for you ladies who are married because that means that guy is providing something for you that your husband either is not willing to, or can not provide. which means you fucked up when you got married and are looking for comfort or support in the wrong place! and women are the most evil creatures on this earth! "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" only problem is a woman can feel scorned just by you telling her the truth! some bitches can't take the truth and prefer an ugly lie! lies are the glue that holds shit together in every relationship! if they weren't bitches wouldnt spend hundreds of dollars trying to alter their looks and men would be able to be honest with women without them getting offended over every little trivial thing!

Anonymous said...

I prefer to hang out with my guy friends rather than my girl friends.........they're WAY more fun than my girls. Surprisingly, the guys I hang with understand my girl drivel. I choose to be one of those "guy's girls," but hey, that's just me. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with it.

Anonymous said...

This was the most boring redundant piece of shit I've ever read.

Anonymous said...

What about my best friend who USED to be a girl? Does that count?

Anonymous said...

spot on as always!!!